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Partner in bringing the gospel to Burma....

I’m humbled that you’ve clicked to come to this page. Thank you. I started the Jungle Discipleship School with about $2000 in my bank account, trusting God would provide for us. You can see our current needs listed out below and where we’re at in funding them. We decided early on that the most important thing we needed was to just be together, staff and students. We can sleep in hammocks in the jungle and cook in small cooking pots. We can sit on the ground and make our classroom anywhere. This is not ideal, but as long as we are together, we can start. Everything else is bonus – having houses, dorms, classrooms, toilets, internet, matching uniforms, and a farm makes the program and learning so much better, but it isn’t required. If God is leading you to partner with us, I just want to sincerely say Thank You! Your financial support brings the gospel into Burma, in deep ways. You are a life changer.

JDS is a partner project of Kontakt Mission USA. If you want a Tax Receipt for your USA giving, please donate through this link and select Jungle Discipleship School as your designation. (giving for building projects has a lower admin fee, so please note that in your giving)
If you are giving in Canada and want a tax-receipt you can give through Kontakt Canada. You can select Evangelism Asia (for personal expenses) or you can select Jungle Discipleship School to give to the school. Click Here for Canadian Giving.

Make a donation

Don't care about tax receipts and want to make a donation today? Use this form.


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Build a Dorm/Classroom ($7000)

2 of 5 funded

We need male and female dorms as well as a couple classrooms. To buy cement, lumber, nails, roofing, etc. costs around $7000 per building. Donations made for building projects have lower admin fees, so consider giving to help us build our campus!

Feed the School ($5000/month)

4 of 10 funded

It's not cheap to feed 50 hungry people each month! Part of the monthly cost for food goes to our farm/garden. Students are responsible to raise pigs, chickens and goats as well as take care of the vegetable garden. JDS also supports local farmers by buying any vegetables they are willing to sell from their farms. 


Buy a Truck for Burma ($15,000)

0 of 1 funded (1 pledged! woohoo)

Unfortunately one of our biggest expenses on missions and in Burma is transportation. Moving supplies, medicine, patients, and students around Burma is expensive when renting/hiring trucks. Having our own truck will greatly help us on missions and day to day operations. 

Outfit a Student ($1000)

3 of 30 funded

We provide everything for our students from flip-flops to underwear to PT clothes and school uniforms. We also need to provide specialized equipment for missions (backpacks, med kits, and shoes). 


Hands and Feet Mission ($9000)

1 of 5 funded

Our staff and students all go out to be the hands and feet of Jesus - bringing the gospel and a cup of cold water to the people who need it most in Burma. On these missions we bring enough medicine to treat 1000 patients, we also bring seeds and teach villagers how to grow vegetable gardens. 

Thank you to Offlake Church for funding 1 Hands and Feet Mission in Burma! Love you guys. 

Music Equipment ($5000)

0 of 1 funded

We want to make a joyful noise! This money will go to buy guitars, drums, pianos, and other music equipment and accessories so our campus is a house of worship!


Motorcycles ($2000)

2 of 8 funded

Motorcycles are the best way to move people and supplies in Burma. These little motorcycles are tough and can carry 3-4 loads. Slap some chains on them in rainy season and they just keep going. These bikes make a huge different to day to day jungle life. 

Staff Houses ($5000)

0 of 4 funded

We want to take care of our staff and their families. Some of our staff come with their spouses and kids and we want to make them comfortable in a staff house. We also try to provide a small monthly salary for our ethnic staff!


Solar/Batteries ($8000) 

0 of 1 funded

Deep in the jungle there is no electricity so we rely on solar and hydro to provide power. From lights in classrooms and dorms, to charging phones and equipment, to powering the Starlink, solar does it all. It's a big need for our school.

Other Ways to Support

The items mentioned above give you a general idea of our needs. We'll try to update it regularly. There are also other ways you can give. Giving is only limited to your creativity. Get in touch with us to find out our most pressing needs or to inquire about other giving ideas/options.

Donate an old smartphone!

Donate Aeroplan Points

Donate old clothing

Help us buy Solar panels and batteries

Pay for a month of Starlink Internet

Support Christmas presents for staff and students

One last note about giving to JDS...

While we really need your help, we also only want you to give if you feel God is leading you to give. We have huge needs, but we are following and serving a God who is bigger! We don't want to manipulate anyone to give by our photos or stories. 


You give to God, He'll take care of us. 


So please consider this prayer, "God, should I give something to JDS? Are you leading me into this?" Then pause for a few minutes and listen to your spirit.

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